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1 Translation result for acknowledge in Spanish


acknowledge verb

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acknowledged, has acknowledged, is acknowledging, acknowledges
reconocer, admitir

Example sentences of
acknowledge verb

  • They acknowledged that the decision was a mistake.
  • Do you acknowledge that you caused this mess?
  • They readily acknowledged their mistake.
  • She won't acknowledge responsibility for her actions.
  • He quickly acknowledges all of my e-mails when he receives them.
  • Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
  • She acknowledged the gift with a card.
  • She acknowledged his greeting with a smile.

Synonyms of
acknowledge verb

Detailed synonyms for acknowledge verb

Acknowledge, admit, avow, confess, concede significan reconocer y revelar algo contra la voluntad o inclinación propia.
  • Acknowledge connota la revelación de algo que se ha ocultado o que podría haberse ocultado <acknowledged that there was some truth in the claims>.
    antonyms: deny
  • Admit subraya la desgana con la que se revela, da o concede algo, y por lo general se refiere más a los hechos que a sus consecuencias <admitted that the project had cost too much>.
    antonyms: disclaim, deny
  • Avow indica atreverse a declarar manifiestamente lo que se supondría uno callar <avowed her innocence>.
    antonyms: disavow
  • Confess puede aplicarse a una admisión de flaqueza o debilidad, de fracaso, omisión o culpa <confessed that she had always loved sweets>.
    antonyms: renounce reencias o los principios de uno)
  • Concede implica admitir que un oponente en una discusión está correcto <he was unwilling to concede that the economy wasn't improving>.
    antonyms: dispute
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Reverse translation for acknowledge

reconocer  - to recognize, to admit, to examine 
admitir  - to admit, to let in, to acknowledge, to concede, to allow, to make room for